Friday, August 15, 2008

Week of Harvesting!

As I mentioned in the last blog, Cristina and I were on the road for a week of ministry. The Lord moved so powerfully during our services in Detroit and Canada. In Detroit, we saw hundreds of people healed in a moment's time. I mean it happened in a split second. I asked those who knew that they were healed to raise there hands and literally hundreds of people raised their hands at once. I have never seen God heal so many people at one time so quickly.

Over 600 souls came to the Lord during our trip! People flooded the altar with tears of repentance as the blood of Jesus washed over them. We rejoiced over all the healing miracles, but nothing compared to the joy of seeing all those souls saved.

It was definitely a week of great success. Winning the lost and bringing them to the foot of the cross is what ministry is all about. To God be the Glory!

John 12:32 And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to myself."

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