Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Evangelism Explosion!

In the last two weeks our witnessing teams have led over 600 people to the Lord! As I mentioned in the last blog, we joined forces with Pastor Rodney and the Great Awakening team in a city wide evangelistic outreach. Since then, our church has caught the Holy fire of evangelism and are continuing to take the gospel to the streets. Our college group won 74 souls in just 1 hour of time this past Friday. On Saturday we sent out another group of 40 people and they won 150.

On Easter Sunday, the fruit of our labor was evident, as many of those won on the streets attended our service. Many of them were filled with the Holy Ghost and now awaiting water baptism. How exciting!

As a pastor, I could not be more proud of the people of New Beginnings. Even though soul winning can be a difficult, scary, and trying experience, we have forged on and taken the devil's kingdom by storm. I can only expect this fire to burn more fervently as we continue on.

Matt 9:37-38 He said to his disciples, "The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields." NLT

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Harvest Week!

This past week our church joined Pastor Rodney Howard Browne and the Great Awakening Team for a week of soul winning. The street witnessing started on Monday and concluded Saturday.

A few months ago when I heard of this upcoming outreach, my Spirit was stirred. I sensed that something great would happen, not just for the community of Orlando, but also in our local body.

My expectations paled in comparison to the reality of what happened. 20,000 people gave their life to the Lord in just one week! Our team of people were responsible for leading over 400 to the Lord. One precious lady in our church led 66 people in the prayer of salvation. All of this taking place on the streets. Wal-Mart, grocery stores, apartment buildings, and city parks all became a field ripe unto harvest.

I am thankful for someone like Pastor Rodney who has heard the heartbeat of God and is in pursuit of His passion. Our city and church will never be the same. Those who went into the streets have now tasted of the fulfilling feeling that comes when leading someone to the Lord. Soul winning will be a part of our culture at New Beginnings. It will become a way of life. A fire has been lit and a passion has been released. Look out devil!

I am convinced that this is what will bring revival. Jesus did not command to go into the churches and compel them to come in. He commanded that we go into the highways and streets. Many times churches just exchange fruit instead of bearing new fruit. Revival will never come this way. It will happen as sheep begin bearing sheep. This has started happening at New Beginning. Revival is just around the corner!

Luke 14:23 Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Faithful God!

Yesterday we had the privilege of hosting Dr. Ed Nelson at New Beginnings. He ministered during our am and pm services. Both were incredible! Dr. Nelson has an understanding of the Word that is rare. As he shared from both his knowledge and revelation of the Word, many lives were touched.

I would love to share with you what he preached during both service, but there is no way that I can put into text all that was said. I would not know where to begin. If you were in the services yesterday, you can understand the difficulty of that.

I thank God for sending Dr. Nelson to us in a time most needed. Many of our people are facing the issues and struggles that he addressed yesterday. It seems no matter how hard things get at times, God always sends a messenger with a word that is perfect in it's timing.

We must always remember that God cares for us. He cares more for us than we are capable of comprehending. It is His desire to prosper us in every way. He takes joy in favoring us.

God is faithful!

Phil 1:6
6 And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.AMP