Thursday, September 13, 2007

Like a Child

Matt 18:3-4, Then he said, "I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. NLT

There is no greater dependence than that of a child. They are dependant on their parents for everything concerning food, clothing, and shelter. Young babies never worry about if they will eat; they know it's a matter of when. Their mind has not developed to the point where they are capable of worrying if bills are paid, if food will be on the table, or if everything in their life will work out OK. They are too young and innocent to even have these thoughts and feelings.

When we turn from our sins and repent, this is the supernatural work of salvation. We literally become "born again". This process has many meanings, but specifically today, I want to look at how it relates to becoming like new born children.

When we are born again, we begin a brand new life, just like when we were born into this natural word. Yet, this process is spiritual. Like the attributes of a natural baby, so are the attributes of the "new man" we become in Christ through salvation. We become dependant solely on Him. He is our heavenly Father. We depend on Him to supply for all our needs - the big ones and the small ones.

Natural babies are oblivious to reality. It doesn't matter what is going on around them, they act the same. Their surroundings do not alter their behavior. They are just as noisy and playful in private as they are in public. They will cry privately or publicly. As God's children, we cannot allow the things going on around us to change who we are and the way we act.

Children have such an innocence. They have not yet been exposed to failure and disappointment. They are not aware that people are imperfect. As we all grow up, we are faced with many disappointments that take away from that innocent child like faith. When we become born again, that innocence is to be restored. We start seeing the best in every person and in every situation.

Humble yourself as a little child. Depend on your Father for all things. Stay playful and joyous even though things around you may be falling apart. Keep your innocent child like optimism and faith. Remember that God is your Father. He will take care of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Miller,

Once again may I start by saying what an awesome revelation. It is apparent, the more that I meditate on the passage of scripture, that you have posted, I find it interesting that Jesus says, "unless you turn form your sins and become as little children". The word sin really sticks out to me here in the fact that as adults we are responsible for our actions. But even more we are responsible for making attonement. When Christ came he showed us God in a whole new way. Up till then God was only known as God and not as Father. Jesus showed us God as our father.
You see as a child you only have a responsibility to repent. But as far as making attonement, that is our parents responsibility. God our father payed the price for our sins, therefore we need do nothing but recognize God as our father, repent, and accept that the price for our sins is already paid.
God's promiss to us is total forgiveness and freedom from the wages of sin if we only humble our selves as children and recognize him as our father.
How awesome is that.
In closing I find it so awesome that we need to nothing but depend on God the greatest father, and our reward is a robe, crown, and a life in heaven. God is Love and Love sounds like a father I would want to depend on.

Blessings to you my brother,