Saturday, September 8, 2007

No Fear!

Over the past 3 weeks, I have been teaching on the issue of fear. It is impossible to lead a life of faith without being confronted with the opportunity to fear. I believe it's time to confront fear with uncompromising faith.

Fear keeps us from inheriting the promises that we find in the Word of God. So many times we fall short of obtaining the things that God has reserved for us, because fear has gained a foothold in our mind. We see this with the children of Israel who were brought out of Egypt. After their deliverance the Lord brought them to the wilderness to test their faith. Time and time again He gave them an opportunity to trust Him and believe in His Word. Time and time again they failed in both areas. Because of their unbelief, that generation was not permitted to enter into the intended place of promise, Canaan (Hebrews 3:17-19).

We see in the story of David and Goliath (1Samuel 17) that fear brought confusion to the Israelites when confronted by the intimidating giant. Fear keeps us from seeing clear direction. It makes intimidating circumstances seem even more intimidating.

In verse 28, we read that Eliab was angry. Fear is usually the fuel for anger. Most of the time when someone is angry, fear is the root of that anger. Eliab also accused David of being full of pride, a statement that was obviously far from the truth. Fear can cause us to have false perceptions that can lead us to false judgements of others. Eliab insisted that David go back and tend to the sheep. Fearful people are controlling people.

Thank God David did not let these words of fear keep him from conquering the giant, Goliath. Oh, that we would respond like David and run towards our problem instead of away from it! It is time that we confront fear in the Name of the Lord. If God is for us, who can be against us!

2 Tim 1:77 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.NLT


Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Miller-

My apologies for not writing in a while. I just want to say how very much I enjoy your blog and hearing what God is doing in his church. I find it amazing that God mentions Power, Love and Soundness of Mind as the opposite of fear. Even in the messages you have preached we have seen that it is impossible to have these things and yet have fear. Light and darkness can not co-exist and neither can fear exist with Power-Love-Soundness of Mind. My brother I believe if you are lacking in these areas it is simply that you have given more power to fear than to the gifts that God has given you. May we desire to always give power to God's promisses and not to fear.

Pastor what an awesome revelation God has given you. May he continue to bless and prosper you and his people.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your obedience to God, and bringing such rich Word. I am happy to say I feel passion rising up within me once again, and I am so overwhelmed by the presence of God in our services. I am very blessed to be attached to this ministry. I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for all of us.
Love, Dot