Monday, October 8, 2007

Season of Miracles!

2 weeks ago on a Sunday night, the Lord spoke prophetically to our congregation that a season of miracles was upon us. I was preaching from the text in John 2:11 where the miracle of turning the water into wine was recorded as the "beginning of miracles" that Jesus performed. 2,000 years later, that season which began that day continues to pour out on all who call on His name. It just takes one major breakthrough to start the overwhelming perpetual flood of God's sovereignty.

Last night during our evening service we continued on in this theme. I was teaching about the virtue that flowed from Christ in Mark 5:30 and Luke 6:17-18. The word virtue is synonymous with the Greek word dunamis, which means; power, force, miracle power, God's ability and life. The woman with the issue of blood literally received a download of Christ's ability, power, and life. No wonder she was instantly healed! The same is true for the many that touched Him in Luke 6. As they touched Him, they plugged into the download.

The word touch in this text means to "attach oneself to". But it comes from the Greek word hapto, which means; to set on fire, kindle or light. This explains why so many people who have received prayer for healing, feel extreme heat all over their body, as God manifests His healing power. It is just confirmation that they have made the connection for the download! We see throughout the scripture that God's Glory is usually accompanied by the presence of fire.

Last night as this word was being preached, people's faith was quickened to get connected and receive the download. Starting last week and continuing on through last night, it is clear that God truly has released us into a season of miracles. Over the last 2 weeks we have seen incredible miracles take place. For instance, a mother carrying twins was told by her doctor that one of the children had not formed valves in their heart. He also said that the baby had no heart beat. After receiving prayer the mother went back to the doctor. The baby's heart is now beating perfectly, even though the valves have not formed! What a miracle working God!

I anticipate even more miraculous things to happen as we continue on in this season. I pray that all reading this become partakers of this precious and powerful anointing that is being released upon the body of New Beginnings!


Anonymous said...

I have heard messages preached using the same scriptures, but the Word last night was filled with power and such revelation. It all just seemed so timely for the season that has arrived, there is truly nothing like the Lord's timing.

Anonymous said...

The Word last night came forth with Power and Revelation of Truth. The Woman with the Issue of Blood had the Face of Possibility! With GOD all things are Possible! Hapto! Downloading His DNA! Praise God!

Jill said...

This service was awesome! The Holy Spirit was present and working miracles!! God touched me and healed a problem in my arms that was causing shooting pains and healed a problem in one shoulder that had been too painful to allow me to sleep on that side. These problems signifcantly interfered with my ability to get restful sleep. As of this time on the following Tuesday morning, I have not experienced any of the shooting pains in my arms and I have not experienced the shoulder pain. As a result, I have been sleeping much better!! Praise God!! He is truly awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I was downloaded with Hoy Ghost power and revelation to receive more healing in my physical body. God touched my circulatory system Sunday night and all the swelling had left my feet. Since then I have not had any numbness in my hands either.
God is healing a hormonal imbalance and I am expecting a total transformation. Thank you, Pastor Jonathan, for bringing fresh manna, along with the anointing, to the Body of Christ. I pray that you and your family receive every miracle and blessing you have need of!
Susan A.